Student Loans
Student loans can help finance your education above and beyond federal funds
Call us at 800-341-9911 to learn more.
A private student loan could be the boost your educational budget needs! Keep your college career on track to reach your graduation goal with help from our student loans. We offer variable-rate student loans with multiple repayment options and terms, including deferred payments. These education loans have no processing or origination fees, and funds are disbursed directly to your school.
Student Loan Features
- Variable interest rates – see current rates
- Available to Members attending an eligible school at least half time for a 2- to 4-year degree program
- 12-year repayment term
- No processing or origination fees
- Optional deferred payments until after graduation
- Automatic payments may qualify for a 0.25% APR reduction
- Cosigner release option after 36 consecutive on-time payments
- No late fees
Student Loan Limits
- $2,000 minimum amount, with a $10,000 annual limit
- $40,000 student aggregate limit for Royal Credit Union private loans
- $80,000 cosigner aggregate limit for student loans
Student Loan Refinance
Student loan consolidation or student loan refinancing allows you to pay off all of your federal and private loans using a single refinance loan from Royal. That way you’ll only have one payment to make, and depending on the terms and interest rate you could save money in the long run.
Student Loan Refinance Features
- Variable interest rates – see current rates
- $5,000 minimum to $50,000 maximum amount
- 15-year repayment term
- No processing or origination fees
- No prepayment penalty
- No late fees
- Automatic payments may qualify for a 0.25% APR reduction
- Cosigner release option after 36 consecutive on-time payments
Make Payments:
PO Box 4500
Aberdeen, SD57402-4500
Call: 800-592-1270
Web: zuntafi.com
Contact Info
Call CURevl: 1-877-526-6765
Email Royal Credit Union: studentloans@rcu.org
Call Royal Credit Union: 715-855-5455
Helpful Student Loan Calculators
Need help figuring out loan payments or estimating how much to save for college?