Volunteer Program
We're rewarding Members who volunteer in our communities via our Volunteer Program, complete with special account perks and Royal apparel
To join the Volunteer Program, call us
at 800-341-9911 or visit an office
Royal rewards Members who volunteer in our communities with a Volunteer Program that includes a Volunteer Checking account and some unique perks. Volunteer Checking is a dividend-earning checking account that includes free personal check printing. Members also receive Royal Credit Union branded products and a name tag to wear while volunteering. Since the program began, we've recorded an average of 20,000 hours of volunteer time each year!
How To Become A Volunteer
To be eligible for Volunteer Checking and the perks, Members must enroll in the program and then complete and report an average of four hours of volunteer time per month. These hours can be completed in any way that serves someone else beyond your family. After being in the program for five years and reporting at least 240 volunteer hours, Members reach Lifetime Volunteer status and no longer need to report their hours to continue getting the benefits of the Volunteer program.
Submit Your Volunteer Hours
Submitting volunteer hours is easy! Volunteer hours can be submitted in three ways: mail in “Volunteer Activity Report” postcards, send an email to volunteers@rcu.org or use the online form linked below. If additional “Volunteer Activity Report” postcards are needed, please contact us today.