If you’re having trouble finding your account number, here’s how to find it. We’ve also included our routing number - 291880411 - for your reference.
What Is My Account Number?
In our mobile app or online banking, your account number can be found under your account details. To see your account details, click or tap on the account name, then choose Details to view the account number. Your account number also appears on a paper check. The routing number is on the bottom left corner of the check (291880411) and your account number follows it.
What Is Royal’s Routing Number?
Royal Credit Union’s routing number is 291880411. On a paper check, the routing number is on the bottom left corner of the check (291880411) and your account number follows it.
On a paper check, the routing number is on the bottom left corner of the check (291880411) and your account number follows it.
When Do I Need My Account Number Or Routing Number?
The most common use for your account number and routing number is setting up a direct deposit to your account. The person or organization making the direct deposit will request your account number and routing number so they can send the funds to the right place. For example, if you're filing your taxes and want to have a tax refund direct deposited to your Royal account, you'll provide your account number and our routing number (291880411) so that the IRS can send your refund to your account.
Related: Learn How To Access Tax Statements Online
What Is A Routing Number?
The routing number is a number that identifies which financial institution an account is held at. It's sometimes called an ABA routing number. This nine-digit number identifies the bank or credit union where you have an account, so routing numbers are public knowledge, unlike an account number, which should be kept confidential.