Small Business Loan Application
Use Royal’s small business loan application for business loans, credit cards, or other credit options like business desktop deposit.
Before You Apply
This business loan application is used to apply for:
- Small business loans of $500,000 or less
- Business lines of credit or single payment notes
- Business Kwik Cash overdraft protection
- Business credit cards
- Business desktop deposit
If you are seeking a loan of more than $500,000, or if a new loan would mean you have more than $500,000 in total business loans from Royal, please email business.referrals@rcu.org or call 800-341-9911 ext. 3001 to begin an application.
If you are seeking a business construction loan or a letter of credit, please email or call us.
Begin Your Small Business Loan Application
During the application process, you will need to provide detailed business information and personal information about all owners. It may be helpful to have all owners available to answer questions as you go through the application.
For your security, applications in progress time out after two hours and your information cannot be saved after you begin. After two hours, your session will end and you’ll need to re-enter your information.