Adult Programs
Royal Credit Union has a robust curriculum of free financial education lessons designed for adults. We partner with many organizations to provide presentations to their participants.
Custom Presentations & Seminars
Royal’s financial education team would love to work with your organization to offer custom presentations. Your organization can choose the topic or we can tailor our presentation to your needs. We cover a wide range of basic and advanced topics in our presentations. Below is the list of prepared presentations that we have available:
Wallet Wellness
One of our most requested classes, Wallet Wellness covers many financial basics including: banking, cash flow, credit, budgeting, and getting out of debt.
Holiday Survival New Year Revival
Head into the holidays equipped with tips to help you manage your spending and stick to your budget. Start the new year with SMART goals and a plan to ditch your debt.
A budget is simply a plan for where you direct your money to go each month. This class breaks down budgeting into easy to manage steps, gives you tools to help you, and provides you with a template to set up your own budget.
Credit affects so many things in our lives! In this class, students will learn what information is on a credit report and how to request theirs; who looks at credit reports and why; what credit scores are and how they are calculated; and what habits will help build their credit.
Dealing with Debt
In this class we help set you up to better manage and eliminate your debt by showing you the true cost of debt, breaking down credit, explaining the debt snowball, and giving you additional resources for help.
Identity Theft
Thieves and scammers are getting smarter every day and their tactics are constantly evolving. We’ll give you some tips, tricks, and important knowledge to keep your information safe and your risk low.