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Business Credit Cards Explained: All About Cardholders & Limits

Royal Credit Union Member holding a business credit card

Royal Credit Union business Members can have multiple credit cards with different limits. Separate sub-cards and limits can help your business track expenses or offer each cardholder different spending power. This information will explain how credit card billing accounts and sub-cards work at Royal.

Business Credit Card Billing Accounts & Sub-Cards

For business credit cards, Royal creates a credit card billing account with separate individual sub-cards under that billing account. Billing accounts are like a parent account, and sub-cards are like child accounts.

Billing Account Details

  • Billing accounts do not receive a physical credit card.
  • The billing account number is different from your business credit card number(s).
  • Statements are generated at the billing account level.
  • Payments are made at the billing account level.
  • uChoose Rewards® points are stored at the billing account level.
  • Billing accounts show separately from sub-cards in online banking and our mobile app.
  • The billing account shows the total amount owed for all sub-cards.

Sub-Card Details

  • Businesses can have as many sub-cards as they would like.
  • Anyone over age 18 can be a sub-card holder for your business.
  • Sub-card transactions roll up to the billing account at the end of each day.
  • Sub-cards always have the same billing cycle dates as the billing account.
  • For business online banking and business mobile app users, sub-card holders do not see the billing account by default. Additional permissions can be granted to allow users to see the billing account.

Business Credit Card Limits & Payments

  • A business’s billing account credit limit matches the overall company credit limit with Royal.
  • A business can set monthly spending limits for each sub-card, with limits as low as $500 and as high as the full company limit.
  • Payments may be made on sub-card accounts (instead of the billing account) to restore that specific card’s spending power before the monthly spending limit resets.
  • The total of all sub-card limits does not have to add up to the company’s full limit.
  • The total limits of all sub-cards can exceed the parent account’s credit limit, but the parent billing account determines how much credit is actually available to spend.
  • To manage or change a card limit, the designated person at the business should contact Royal.

Business Credit Card Limits Example

  • A company has an overall credit limit (or billing account credit limit) of $60,000 and a balance of $58,000.
    • This means only $2,000 remains available for all company sub-cards, even if the sub-card limits are higher.
    • Payments can be made at any time to free up available credit.
  • Sub-card A has a $60,000 limit and has spent $25,000.
    • This sub-card can spend their remaining $35,000 of available credit as long as the company limit hasn’t been reached.
    • After the billing cycle, this sub-card’s limit resets, and there will be $60,000 available to spend again, as long as the company limit has credit available.
  • Sub-card B has a $3,000 limit and has spent $2,000.
    • This sub-card can spend their remaining $1,000 of available credit as long as the company limit hasn’t been reached.
    • After the billing cycle, this sub-card’s limit resets, and there will be $3,000 available to spend again, as long as the company limit has credit available.

If you need help with business credit card limits or want to request additional business credit cards, please contact our Business Services team at 800-341-9911 or via the contact form on our Business Credit Cards page.

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